Well to start with Varuna a frd of mine has written something like " Love is an illusion" as status message in Facebook. I tried to counter it but thing is somehow deep down I belive in the same at times.....but when I sit back a look back within the scores of breakup...(Some how all break ups I have witnessed in my life are from the girls side) I found few couples held on very strongly through good times and equally through bad time.....
SO no matter how much I think that Love (among couples) is an illusion people near and dear to me have always compelled me to think otherwise......
TO share some of these couples:-
Sumit and Roli
Sumit is one of the underdogs from IIIT. We were 6 guys in that group. All good for nothing. 5 out of 6 had world class breakoff. Sumit and Roli held on. Now happily married. I guess love was true in this case
Himaghna and Paromita
I came to know Himo when Paromita just walked out of his life. Till that day to this day....the same Paromita went half insane when Himo had an accident and now shes looking after his day-to-day need.....@ the end Himo would have found it difficult to make it alone with a half broken Jaw
A Swiss Gentle Man and his dead wife
(I forgot to ask that guy his name)
I met this old man from Austria sitting next to me in Train. When I asked him what brings him here. He said 22 years back me and my wife came to India and loved the place. Few days back my wife died in my arms. All she said at the end was to burn her body and spread the ash in the Ganges river in India. Thats why he was here...........
Well I donno what love is. Mita says its about staying near to your near and dear one and giving a shoulder to them when required. Do I belive in what she says?? It dosnt matters. I though belive that few time people do love each other.....and no dont confuse me saying this with making compromises. Its just love I guess..No definition, no assimilation, no presumption, no bad joke
hey Rahul..thnx so much for makin me n my Himo so popular. Good to c us as an xmple.btw...lov ws nevr "unwanted" in our case...it becam MOST WANTED with the passage of time...
But at tmes itz necesary to lose the most imp possession of ur life. Coz if u r lucky nuf to win it bak,u nevr give an iota of scope to lose it.U just jealously guard it...from everyone n evrything.We two R among those lucky souls....
VIVA LA LOVE..for us for all.
Unwanted???? nahhhhh. Not the right word to describe love. Be the two together or no, love is always wanted and lives forever between the two. Starts off with anger, frustation and despair after a break off but lives through your life and when all of it subsides, all thats left is a smile on tha face thinking of all the wonderful times you've lived and a desire to maybe go back and change things, a feeling that it could have been better..... All incidental but not unwanted..........Think bt it :)
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