Yeah so any way the point is there is no point. Yeah true...!!! BTW the coversation
R: Hey !!! what do u mean by yu fell out of love....( Man as if love is a bucket or better a moving overcrowded bus)
M: Yeah !!! u know wht!!! u dont deserve it....!!!!! ( there were many more exclamation marks in there)
R: Well thats fine....but that was not the question....Is love like a 60W bulb??? I mean how do u turn it on and off
M: Grow up man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <<>> When will you understand you can't make anyone love by talking about old time??
R: Woah....( am i talking to a junky) now where is anyone asking anyone to fall in love by talkiong about old broken relashioship????
M: U know Mr. R..... U wanna know some thing...I really really dont think you deserved to be loved (Not profoundly this sentence was used but the word deserve was there) and when I saw you last I didnt feel anything....
R: Ok good the feeling of deserve u used was a resultant of judgement. This means you have used someportion of your brain or emotion and judged me....and found out that I didnot deserve to be loved...
M: What do you mean!!Q!!!!!!! @!$!@$@$2 Few new english slangs used ...U know u were a nobody for me..I didnt fell anything for you
R: Well ok coool....but tell me the reason you left me...fell out of love from me???
M: Yu wanna know why....:----------------
the list starts:-
- I didnt had the balls to meet her parents the day her mom came to meet me specially when we were in XI th standard.....<> I was 17 she was 16
- Why my mother used to hate her....<<<>
- I was a jerk , a scum bag blah blah blah.......
- other reasons were not explicitly mentioned apart from the fact...I dont love u R...P.S Thanks you
R: so if u can recall wht yu said ..I will just show you the fact that you have used your judgement basically you r proving yourself a dont say u dont judge...we all do.....
M: I donot understand why are you bringing the old stuff while talking to me R.....
R: ( In my mind.....Just to make you understand you r screwed reall bad in your head)....Well I used those as examples to make you understand that yes its you also who judges you said you found you post R Boyfrd Mr. A very very disgusting....
M: Ok if you r terming that as judgement...wel then I do judge people in that aspect.
R: <<>> but any way you do judge rite
Nest is M and R was again on a healthy discussion when R asked M why she dosnt wants to marry a bengali guy..
M: I will remain spinster my whole life rather than marrying a bengali guy...(Shobhaa Dee where r u)
R: Ok what kind of guy appeal you...( to the fact shes short and have a chinese made nore) north indian guys might find yu appealing but they have this whole orthrodox affair of marriage with in caste and community
M: yeah thre are many...the fact that I am over confidant....
R: hell shes 27.....( well its ok but ny way maybe shes transformed into a beauty queen.....though it might not seems so from facebook)
R: But still wht type of guy u wanna marry...???
M: Some one charismatic and enterprising???
R....(smart girl) Wht do you mean by charismatic and enterprising....( well i have seen charismatic guys very social and with leadership quality in official, social aspects really falter during emergencies and play blame game and all that...or brave guys chickening out when it comes to intigritry......)
R: So wht about charismatic and enterprising??/
M: Well "ee ma" havent you seen any guy like that???
Enough said enough done suddenly I had to break off this call and had to dig in with some official work....then M calls up/ I hang up/ she calls again....I said I am busy
So when I next call her...
M: I want to clear of certain aspects..basically whenever we talk we talk on those old stuff which dosnt matters to me....
R: ( s the time for making a big mess....asshole u always had to talk big....atleast by faking yu were able to talk to her and hear her it will be all messed up)
M: So R i wanna tell you that if you keep pulling the past........<<<<>>>
R: Hey why do you ppl think past dosnt have importance...Its is the present that becomes past and the future that becomes present and the unknow that becomes the future and learning from the past is necessary...
I always belive in forgive but dont forget...
M: Ok in that case as you cannot move up / aheadd in life I think ....
R: Whts moving on in Life....given to the fact that I felt emotionally drained after having one silly affain with you...Ok one thing why didnt you say that you wanted a casual relashioship....u made me waste my time and I cannot conjour the same emotion for other girls i am with when i am in a relashio...So I want my 6 years back which I have wasted just because u were not serious. I fell like yu used me emotionally and drained me
M: Ohhh hooo!!! i used yu...As if u had porche...As if u were rich.... As if blah blah blah blah
M : U know R....U have one big problem...U ego is more sharper than u r nose...( Man some one compare my nose with anything is stupid)...SO when I left yu ..u could bean it ..and u were hurt in u r ego...and u couldnt let it go....<<>>
Hence she said she dosnt want me in her life ever ever ever again...................all I wanted to tell her that she herself was also judgemental like I am...
If u r an asshole like what I did....It will piss of a girl to the extend of saying filth doing and even fatally hurting yu
If u r not....then never ever say no to what u --even ex-girl frd say , boss is always correct...girlfrd and ex-girlfrd are always correct.......
If u r a south indian...U have a good chance with miss M.....but @ the end she will marry a bengali...( No other race are better adpet to handle such hurricans)
If u are not me......She will be the sweetest person to yu ....
If yu r my frd......She will never ask yu about ny updates about me...( secrectly she will try to gather the info with some indirect question)
If u wanna just have sex with a girl and score a chick ......I donno wht u should do...
If u wanna marry a girl and have kids with her.....then dont do wht I did,,,..
P.S M called me few days from this incident @ 1: 38 in the night and started crying saying if she has made a mistake and wasted her 5 years
P.S R has a fatal attraction towards M.....M has a fater attraction towards Mr. Enterprise
P.S R repents after every call he makes....M repents after every phone call she receives
P.S R is sorry for what R said to M....tried to keep it in good spirit
P.S M needs some ice when she talks to R
P.S....I need to get out of this vecious circle of M
Hey man...don't worry about all that had happened - bottom line is she did not deserve you. Its time to move on and look for greener pastures I guess.
ha ha ha ha ha ha....... good one asshole...... dont expect me to be sympethetic, we both will puke if I do tht..... But honestly this was too good......
Sala BC, ki likhechhis re!! bravo to your writting(needs some reviews and editing though).... You should start thinking a career in writting rather than starting a publishing house bussiness....
good to see your perseverance to drag someone to that extent!! but you are a crazy fellow, I know you quite well...
BTW, did she call you and repent!! ha ha ha... that's good..
great post... but dude you need to move on...
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