I don’t usually find much kick writing my thoughts without rhyming
them and now that I have really reached and stretched the limitation of my
limited vocabulary I find it extremely tough to actually pen down my thoughts
exactly the way I think them to be.
Yet off late and for quit some time I have been totally pondering
on aspects which are perpetually not necessary for a guy like me to contemplate
on. I am 29 now. Working, doing exactly the things I would never love to do but
I guess I am doing it because I was raised and trained in that way where my
priority would actually be on my needs than that of my wants. Yes, no matter
what I haven’t yet been able to take the jump and well I guess now that this
life is gone by, maybe next time.
Now here is a catch. Having wasted three decades I wonder the
enormity of the sin I have committed. Thing is we take many things granted and
acted upon the same with the least care and dedication. Resultant is people end
up like me. I mean mostly but not all.
The pursuit of Happiness is the actual happiness rather than the
illusionary moment that is reached only for a fraction of second in that
pursuit. Now is it like reaching climax while self pleasing? I though find it
very difficult to segregate the fact about which one is more pleasurable …..The
way to the climax or the climax itself…?? Kind a tough and I bet there will be
a healthy difference of opinion but the important aspect of the whole thing is
to feel well let’s say….gratified!!
Now gratification is the
key word. The finality and the absolute in this dynamic world. A world where it’s
hard to measure the absolute sense of any thing and great mind like Cantor went
mindless figuring those out, the ultimate God numbers. Cracking the code to
define everything perhaps by its true name, value, or quantity but most
importantly the depiction of true number. Any way the point is to define and
brand things in absolute terms and making it possible.
Now that human mind is
yet to comprehend the whole aspect and foundation of infinity and define of the
absoluteness of the same, hence it is best that till that time let us take
gratification as the absolute reference of human life. Now gratification and
the means of achievement of gratification is an elusive corridor which is most of
the time veiled with many a distractions of mundane daily needs.
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